Whether there is a cooling system in your whole house or an air conditioner in one room only, you should ensure proper maintenance to get the most out of it. The following tips from the experts at air conditioning Canberra can ensure that you cooling unit stays in top condition.
- Get to know how your system works. Not all air conditioners have the same cooling system. Usually air conditioners come with an outer and an inner unit. The components in both of these might differ. The basic parts for all cooling units is the same.
- The fins of the AC unit should be kept clean. Use a soft bristle brush to get rid of extra dirt. If your unit has a protective metal covering, you might need to remove the cover so you can get to the fins while others might just be covered with a light filter.
- Also fix an air conditioning pad which has sunk in over the years. You might need to replace it if it has already started sinking in. the further it sinks the tighter it would pull the coils and cause problems with the cooling efficiency of the unit.
- Invest in a programmable thermostat. This allows you to set different temperature settings programmed for the whole day. It even has an option of being switched off when not in use and switched on when required. This in turn helps save energy and also lowers the utility bills in the long run.
- Invest in ceiling fans. They can help circulate the air in the room much faster. This way there is not a great deal of load on your cooling unit to quickly cool a room which is heated up.
- Make sure to realign the fins which have bent over a period of time. These fins can be easily re aligned with the help of a small dinner knife.
- Make sure that the condensate drain tube is unclogged. Clogging of the drain would cause the condensate to drop inside your unit or puddles forming on the floor.
- Make sure the filters are clean and there is no build-up of dirt or clogged pores.
- Also call in the maintenance professionals who would perform a service on a yearly basis just before the start of the warm months. You want to make sure that the air conditioner is in mint condition with the right amount of coolant and no gas leaking out.
- Also make sure that when you install an air conditioner you should install one which is the right size. Each air conditioning unit is built to cool a certain amount of cubic pace. If the unit is too small for the room, it won’t be able to provide an adequate amount of cooling. Similarly a bigger unit would go to waste in a room which is too small.
- You can also control the amount of heat which enters your home with the help of blinds and curtains. During the day you can lower the blinds so heat dost enter through the windows.
For more information on air condition maintenance, make sure you contact air conditioning Canberra.